Monday, May 6, 2013

I've got my first BIG speakers!

An opportunity came up to purchase some speakers at a price I couldn't resist. And, this is what I got:

(Please excuse the horrid carpet, it's been here since we moved in awhile back and I haven't had a chance to get in and remove it)

A pair of Polk SDA-1C's in original boxes for $450! They are about as mint as used speakers can get, they spent most of their life in boxes as the original owner worked for the Pentagon and they moved him around a lot. Boxes are a little beat up from all the moves, but the speakers themselves look like they just came from the factory. Their sound will make tears of joy come to your eyes, the transparency, clarity, soundstage and imaging of these things is something that has to be heard to believe it. I'll let the pics tell the rest:

Grilles on

Close up of the speaker

 Top of one of the boxes (they both look like this)

Bottom of the box

Seal label, pretty darn neat!

I'll be doing a recap of the crossovers soon, stay tuned!