Saturday, December 31, 2011

Sansui 9090 recap and restore

I got a 9090 to recap and restore from a local to me audio enthusiast (Hi Greg!). It's a little dirty and needing cleaned, it also has a few scratches on the wood case, but in excellent shape overall. Caps I'll be using are: Panasonic FC for the preamp sections, Nichicon PW for the power amp and power supply, Nichicon ES for the bi-polar caps, Panasonic ECQ film caps for anything under 1uF and Panasonic THA for the three filter caps, one of them is on the power supply and the two main filter caps are mounted under the receiver. I also am replacing the lamps with LED's.

Here is some before photos:

Tuner power supply

Equalizer board

Tone amp board I forgot (again!) to get a before photo of. *smacks head*

Volume control board

Protector board

Driver amp board

Power supply board, the cap laying on its side is the original cap that went where the other one is now (almost started again without taking a before photo!)

And after recap!

Tuner power supply

Equalizer board

Tone amp board

Volume control board

Protector board

Driver board

Power supply board

New filter caps, the originals were 6800uF 71v, I upgraded them to 10000uF 80v, the bass and overall power of the receiver benefited from this upgrade, the depth, detail and punch of the sound is tenfold better then when I listened to it with the originals.

This thing has a rich, warm and very powerful sound to it but still has a lot of excellent detail in the mids and highs. And yes, you can have a small concert with it as shown in this video, this thing was only pushing about 3 watts and look:

And put back together!


  1. WHOOOOHOOOO!!! This is going to piss off the neighbors! No more yodeling cowboy music blasting from next door! Thanks Matt!

  2. Just played the video for Debbie...she wants the Skillet CD, and loud...

  3. After listening to the 9090 for a day and a half now, all I can say is WOW!!! What a difference! Thanks Matt!!! I highly recommend Matt to anyone looking for a tech at a very reasonable rate.

    1. Greg, How do I get in contact with Matt? Thanks, Steve

  4. How do I get in touch with Matt? Could he do my 9090db?

  5. I have a 9090db that needs repair. Exterior in mint condition. How do I get hold of Matt?

  6. Hey guys, I have added my email address to the main page under "about me" so you can contact me, it is

  7. Any way you could supply a list of replacement parts that you used and any mods?
