Thursday, July 5, 2012

Pioneer SPEC-1 recap and restoration! (New photos!)

Here is the SPEC-1 that goes with the SPEC-4 in the other post I have, full recap and restore is being done to this one as well.

Some before photos of the boards, more will be added as I get to the various boards:

Tone amp

Input (phono amp)

Filter amp

I forgot to get a before shot of the mixing amp board, bad me!

Power supply

Fuse board

And after recap!

Tone amp

Input (phono amp)

Filter amp

Mixing amp

Power supply board

Fuse board

And here are the both of them completed!

1 comment:

  1. I obtained an ATT-292 multi-power transformer to change the power of my Spec-1 to 220v, but I do not know how to connect the primary wire of the transformer to use it for 220v. can you help me about 220v wiring?
