Friday, January 13, 2012

Pioneer SX-1010 restore and recap

I got a SX-1010 to restore and recap from Brian in New York, who is also is a follower on here (Hi Brian!). Caps I'll be using are Panasonic FM and FC for the preamp sections, Nichicon PW for the power supply and power amp, Nichicon KL for the orange low noise caps and Panasonic ECQ film caps for anything under 1uF. The filter caps are being replaced with UCC 18000uF 75v caps.

Here are some before photos:

FM muting

Phono amp

Tone amp

Protection board

Power amp board (there are two of these, both look the same so I'll just have one photo.)

Power supply

Blown cap

Old filter caps

Before LED conversion

And after! WOW, are those LED's are blue! The photo can't even begin to show how blue it is. Note: the indicator lamps are still original, the replacements for those aren't going to be here until Thursday.

After recap photos!

Tuner board, I did not replace a lot of parts on here, the ones that are circled are the ones that were replaced.

FM muting

Phono amp

Tone amp

Protection board

Power amp (both boards look like this)

Power supply

New filter caps

Two 2.2uF poly film bypass caps were put across the terminals to improve HF filtering.

And it's put back together!

It has been burning in for about three days now (2/2/2011) and sounds beautiful, very warm sounding with powerful bass, clean treble and power to spare. It didn't sound like this before the recap, that's for sure! I got to bench test it, 120 watts per channel before clipping, both channels driven at 1kHz into 8 ohms. Spec for it at 1kHz into 8 ohms is 110 watts per channel, so 10 watts more then spec. Not bad at all!

This concludes the post, as always feel free to leave comments or questions.


  1. Hey Matt,

    Great job for all the work you've done on my Pioneer SX-1010. The pictures look excellent and we can't wait to have it home and hooked up to the JBL 4311's!! Here's to you!


  2. Hi Matt, this is an ancient thread, but do you have the parts list for this recapping activity? I have a 1010 that I need to Recap and your work is beautiful.
